NNS ADix - How to...Create Group Objects

This topic describes how to create group objects with NNS ADix.

The following table contains a list attributes which are mandatory when creating group objects:

Attribute Type Description
path single-valued The object path of the computer object to create.
Example: LDAP://cn=group1,ou=groups,dc=dom,dc=com
class single-valued Provides the object class. Must be set to 'group'.
sAMAccountName single-valued The pre-Windows 2000 logon name. The pre-Windows 2000 logon name is required to be unique across a domain.
groupType singlevalued The type of the group to create. For a list of valid values for this attribute see the help topic Appendix A: Valid Values for Attribute 'groupType'.

In addition to the mandatory attributes you can set various optional attributes. The following table
contains a list of some attributes you can set:

Attribute Type Description
memberOf multi-valued The groups, that the group is a member of. The import file can contain the distinguished names or the pre-Windows 2000 logon names of the groups.
The Directory Services always stores these values as distinguished names.
member multi-valued The group members. The import file can contain the distinguished names or the pre-Windows 2000 logon names of the groups.
The Directory Services always stores these values as distinguished names.


The following example creates a global security group named 'group1' which has one member:



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