Under some circumstances it will be useful to have an Active
Directory domain for test purposes based on data from the productive
environment. This article describes the steps necessary to create a test domain
with data from the production Active Directory domain using NNS ADix v3.
In this guide you will perform the following tasks:
- Export Data from the Active Directory Production Environment:
Export the Active Directory objects from the production domain into
text-based files.
- Edit the Text-Based Export Files:
Edit the data in the text-based export files. This step can be skipped, if the name of the production domain
and domain controller is equal
to the name of the test domain and domain controller.
- Import Data into the Active Directory Test Environment:
Import the Active Directory objects from the edited text-based files into
the Active Directory test domain.
We assume that a test domain is in place an fully functional.
Further we assume that your are familiar with Active Directory and NNS ADix v3.
Scenario for this guide:
There is an Active Directory domain called mydomain.com from which we
will import organizational unit objects, group objects and user objects into a
test domain called mydomain.test. The domain controller in the
production domain is called dc01.mydomain.com and the domain controller
in the test domain is called dc01.mydomain.test.